Decisions Shape Our Life!

“The hard decisions shape our life and letting go creates our future!” Tony Robbins

I am so excited to be training again with Tony on Business Mastery II! Yesterday’s evening focus was on improving decision making ability. Let me share with you a couple of ideas:

Decision making is a muscle that needs to be developed. Being fit for decision making helps us overcome fear, uncertainty and overwhelm; especially on those occasions where big decisions need to be made: for example: getting married, divorce, having a kid, changing jobs, separating an employee, buying a home or a business, moving to a different city, etc.

Owning our future is dependent on the decisions we make. Then following a system and process to help us build our decision muscle is key. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Create a high energy and alert state for yourself

2. Check that you are focusing on what you want vs. what you don’t want

3. Start with the outcome in mind: Clarity on the What and Why

4. All important decision making should be done in writing

5. Define the evidence that outcome is achieved

6. Understand the probability to achieve outcome

7. Clarify the values that are most important to achieve the outcome

Do you have a consistent approach to decision making?

Successful leaders decide even when they don’t have all the information. They make the call on what is most probable. If it is not right they are able to quickly continue pivoting and looking for other alternatives.

It all sounds very simple, but it is like becoming physically fit… Decision making requires continuous practice and a system to build it up.

What do you do to train yourself to become stronger at decision making?


Thinking Time


Start with the end in mind!