Living a Fulfilled Life
Karina shares her journey and the benefits of coaching. From shaping her career as a Corporate Legal Advisor, establishing life priorities, overcoming cancer and becoming the founder of a company that reflects her passion.
Karina Ruilova - Lawyer & Founder of Diversity & Inclusion Ecuador
Freedom to “Be”
Tera shares her discovery process to embracing her feminine power and magic as a leader. Like many women in the corporate world, she was drawing primarily from her masculine energy to fit and succeed, unaware of the strength that balancing both energies bring to her leadership and effectiveness personally and professionally.
Tera Shandro - Chairperson & Managing Director Papua New Guinea
Link to Interview - Purpose Application
A Better Leader
Stephen shares his discovery process to live a meaningful life personally and professionally: "Purpose helps me connect to the why I do things... I became time abundant instead of constraint by having clarity and focused intention... I realized that everybody has a purpose inside of them..."
Stephen Scannell - LNG Marketing Manager Papua New Guinea
Link to Interview - Purpose Application
Life Outlook Clarity
Patrick shares how he gained focus and perspective to the impact and legacy he is delivering to society. As many successful leaders, articulating a vision that bridges from where he is to where he wants to go was a challenge until he was able to manifest his purpose statement.
Patrick Howarth - Lithium Process Engineer
Link to Interview - Purpose Application
Identifying a Starting Point
Ileana shares about the process of deconstructing her life experiences to derive her purpose and finding ways to materialize it. She has created excitement and clarity with her vision to move forward with her life mission personally and professionally.
Ileana Ferber - CEO & Founder Colibri Business Development
Blown Away!
Tina shares that in two hours, she unveiled what was already there and she could not see: “Purpose gives me freedom of time and choice… It is my compass for decision making.”
Tina Chong - Realtor
Revealing My Truth
Kenny shares that he learned to create a statement that describes the way he has been living my life: "This process reveals the truth and enables me to realign to my purpose… My choices and decisions drive me to be an example of living a life with joy and happiness. "
Kenny Aronoff - World Renowed Drummer, Author & Speaker
Happier Life
Anh shares how she reduced friction in her life: “Discovering my purpose has helped me to have clarity on the activities I need to engage to get the results I aspire , as well as to be laser focused about the relationships I want in my life... I understand myself more and live a much happier life"
Anh Jorgensen - Realtor & Toastmasters President
People Moving Forward
“Maritza is an artist. Part of her gift is identifying and clarifying the themes that drive your life stories and fuel your sense of purpose. There’s a deep reverence in her work. Far from stopping at understanding, her work calls you to action from that place of deeper understanding. Not for the faint of heart, Maritza’s workshops call to leaders who want to lead differently, lead bigger and lead with vision as we enter whatever this new era looks like.”
— Lara A. Dolnik, Co-Founder LeadSyle, LLC
“During the time I worked with Maritza, she helped me believe in my skills, shift paradigms and climb the ladder in a world wide corporate company as a legal advisor, so I could be part of worldwide projects.
I have always trusted Maritza so when she asked me if I wanted to be coached I sure was excited to start. We started to work on my goals for the next 5, 10 and 20 years. She has helped me focus on the important things in my life and specially to realized that we can do so much more things that will fulfill us in life besides working.
She was also a very important support during my battle with cancer.
Now we are working on my life plan and with her guidance I have realized how important is to have an activity that has an impact in our community. Maritza is different from other coaches because she really cares about people and its willing to make you realize on your own your path to a fulfill life.”
— Karina Ruilova
“If you are looking for the best coach, I recommend Maritza for many reasons:
1. Maritza listens to you and in 1 hour she begins to give you a perspective of your life from a point of view that we usually do not see, she helps you realize many things that may be reframed but best of all is she helps you to channel to find the solutions immediately. (so you will save hours of hours of psychologists)
2. I have had the honor of being able to work with her in some stages of my life, sometimes life puts you to the test and you see everything black and others less complicated but in all of them she has been an incredible mentor, (my Guardian Angel as her I say).
3. I believe that she is a special person with an incredible gift to be able to connect with your situation, something that I love about her and that becomes a privilege to have her as a coach is her INTELLIGENCE, her professional preparation and her internal and spiritual work that makes her an admirable person but above all, a guide with extremely wise and focused advice from which you can learn a lot.
4. if you want to explore your life in situations that we often cover up with pain, fear or anguish, it is the best! ... it will help you transform those black holes and the minefield into flower gardens ... It is not an easy process and It is not soft, you will cry a lot but when you manage to penetrate them there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And your life begins to transform for the better in all aspects ...
5. I could spend the whole day writing about how Maritza has been a spectacular coach in my life and has helped me so much so much ... but I think it is better that you have your own experience with her ... and believe me it is an honor and I will not tire of thanking life for having put it in my way.”
— Jessica Vidal
“Maritza es una artista. Parte de su don es identificar y aclarar los temas que impulsan las historias de tu vida y alimentan tu sentido de propósito. Hay una profunda reverencia en su trabajo. Lejos de detenerse en la comprensión, su trabajo te llama a la acción desde ese lugar de comprensión más profunda. No para los débiles de corazón, los talleres de Maritza llaman a líderes que quieren liderar de manera diferente, liderar más grande y liderar con visión mientras entramos a esta nueva era.”
— Lara A. Dolnik, Co-Fundadora de LeadSyle, LLC
“Durante el tiempo que trabajé con Maritza, ella me ayudó a creer en mis habilidades, cambiar paradigmas y ascender en una empresa corporativa mundial como asesora legal, para que pudiera ser parte de proyectos mundiales.
Siempre he confiado en Maritza, así que cuando se ofrecio a ser mi coach, me emocioné y comencé immediatamente. Empezamos a trabajar en mis metas para los próximos 5, 10 y 20 años. Ella me ha ayudado a concentrarme en las cosas importantes de mi vida y especialmente a que me de cuenta de que podemos hacer muchas más cosas que nos satisfacen en la vida además de trabajar.
También fue un apoyo muy importante durante mi batalla contra el cáncer.
Ahora estamos trabajando en mi plan de vida y con su guía me he dado cuenta de lo importante que es tener una actividad que tenga un impacto en nuestra comunidad. Maritza se diferencia de otros coaches porque realmente se preocupa por las personas y está dispuesta a hacer que te des cuenta por tu cuenta de tu camino hacia una vida plena.”
— Karina Ruilova
“Si buscas a la mejor coach te recomiendo a Maritza por muchas razones:
1. Maritza te escucha y en 1 hora te empieza a dar una perspectiva de tu vida desde un punto de vista que por lo general no vemos, haces que te des cuenta de muchas cosas que estamos mal, pero lo mejor de todo te ayuda a canalizar y a encontrar las soluciones inmediatamente. (así que te ahorrarás horas de horas de psicólogos)
2. He tenido el honor de poder trabajar con ella en algunas etapas de mi vida, algunas donde la vida te pone a prueba y ves todo negro y otras menos complicadas, pero en todas ha sido una mentora increíble, (mi ángel de la guarda como le digo yo).
3. Creo que es una persona privilegiada con un don increíble para poder conectarse con tu situación, algo que me encanta de ella y que se convierte en un privilegio tenerla como coach es su INTELIGENCIA, su preparación profesional y su trabajo interno y espiritual que la hace una persona admirable, pero, sobre todo una guía con consejos extremadamente sabios y centrados de la cual puedes aprender muchísimo.
4. Si quieres indagar en tu vida en situaciones que muchas veces tapamos x dolor, miedo o angustia, es la mejor!... te ayudará a transformar esos agujeros negros y el campo minado en jardines de flores ... No es proceso fácil y no es suave, llorarás mucho pero cuando logras penetrarlos siempre hay una luz al final del túnel. Y tú vida empieza a transformarse para bien en todos los aspectos...
5. Podría pasar el día entero escribiendo en cómo Maritza a sido un mentor espectacular en mi vida y me ha ayudado tanto tanto tanto.... pero creo que es mejor que tengas tú Propia experiencia con ella... y créeme es un honor y no me cansaré de agradecerle a la vida por habérmela puesto en mi camino.
— Jessica Vidal