Changing Circumstances…

Today was a stormy day in Houston… with thunder, wind and lots of rain…

Many described it as an awful-gloomy day. I prefer to describe it as a different weather mood. Sunny or Stormy both have their charm…

My mom often shares that when I was a little kid, I used to get scared of thunder and I would run throughout the house closing the curtains so they did not come in. Today was one of those days… I woke up to the rain, thunder and lightning… Sounds that now, I have learned to enjoy.

What caught my attention the most was that in the middle of the storm my magnolia and fig trees were beautifully blooming, regardless of the storm. They were strong and determined… like saying this is my time and we know what we are doing and going…

This makes me think about us as leaders. Comfortable and uncomfortable circumstances will come our way undoubtedly. The way we react to these changes may help keep or deviate us from our focus. My compass is my purpose. Having the clarity of it and my vision, help me appreciate the changing circumstances. I use them to gain perspective and continue on my path progressing… Just like my blooming magnolia and fig trees…

I know now that it is not about trying to fix others or the circumstances, in order to feel well and focused to progress. It is about me making the best out of what comes my way.

What do you do when circumstances all of a sudden change? Do you join the mood of circumstance or keep your focus on what is important to you?

#purpose #flow #circumstances #enjoy #build #progress




Create Your Day!