Closing Cycles

12 years have gone by since I chose to move to the US. I have met my objective to discover and become more of my true self. It has been an adventure of self-awareness, learning, growth and acceleration. Back on my recent trip to Ecuador, I started remembering many details.

Now, I am getting ready to start a new phase in life's university with an extreme clarity of my personal purpose. One of my biggest discoveries!

New beginnings usually require us to close cycles. Then, I have been guided to the people and the places that are helping me in that respect.

This weekend was not the exception. I was blessed again with messages and hints that guided me to unclosed business and conversations that lead me to the lessons that for many years I could not see. One more time, I witnessed that we are given clues all the time (if we pay attention). They show us the path and the actions needed to align us to our purpose and continue on our life journey. Maricella and Jerry with his son were my most recent messengers. They helped me understand who I needed to reach out… As I was ready to confront those experiences that annoyed and hurt me in the past and finally get the life lessons that have been waiting for me.

Did you know that what annoys and/or hurt us from other people many times is that exact thing that we need work on ourselves? In my case, I was struggling with defeat and self-centeredness… Two triggers for me. I know that whatever we resist, persists. So I decided to face both them full on with one difference: I closed my eyes and asked myself what is the lesson these two important people had for me…. Like magic, as I was speaking to them, I got it…!!!!

I am sharing this with you today, because many of us let situations linger for years and this simple action of stopping and asking that question: “What is this situation or person here showing me?” … can save us from living a life with unresolved business that often ends up hurting us.

Facing them with the intention to see the lesson, showed me the exact actions and attitude I need to continue in my next phase. Decision to connect with my voice, joy and passion is the lesson for the defeat I perceived. For the self-centeredness, it is about me expressing my desires and needs regardless of others opinions. I tend to put others first, often sacrificing my own needs. Those experiences that in the past resulted in disappointment and hurt, today are my clues and compass to show me the way. If we take “negative situations” at face value and search for the lesson within them… They become a priceless way to discover and align to our purpose!!!!

I am beyond happy and excited with what I learnt. Dare to make a pause and reflect on Who or what in your life is causing a strong reaction. Pay attention to what people are saying to you, the messages you notice on bulletin boards, and any other experience or action that keeps coming back to you…. What are they showing you?


Purpose Your Compass?
