High Stakes Situations

Have you ever found yourself avoiding high-stakes situations? You know, those moments that test how ready we are to face them. It's a normal part of growth, but even when we think we're ready, we may unconsciously sabotage ourselves and react in unexpected ways. So, what can we do to recover and progress in the direction we want? Here are some things that have worked for me:

1. Stop and reflect on what's causing the reaction.

2. Decide on the true outcome you want.

3. Be transparent and share what you're going through.

4. Understand that you may have hurt the other person and it may be challenging to make amends.

5. Be patient and honor the other person's requests.

Experiences, both pleasant and stressful, are part of "Life University" where we can cause happiness or pain to those we love. It's how we navigate and process these situations that allow us to learn and grow.

What situation can you stop and reflect on today to better align your actions with your identity and the experiences you want to create for yourself and those around you?

#Intention #Growth #Decision #Purpose #Congruence


Your Thoughts Today…


Quick to judge?