“Life will only allow you so many delays…”

“Life will only allow you so many delays…” -- Patricia M. Marseille

This sentence ignited many questions:

What does this mean for me? What have I been holding back and not deciding and/or taking action on? What would I regret not doing?

There are many things I can come out with to answer this question… However, the one that stood out the most is Being present in the Now and in Alignment with my Purpose

Up to this moment, I have kept myself busy learning and in experimentation mode. It has been an awesome journey in every aspect. All the challenges and fun moments have helped me discover my passions and shaped who I have become today. I have been a courageous student of life and business. Today, I can happily say that it is time to create, integrate, share and give back.

My legacy is living a happy, congruent fulfilled life while sharing my formula to awaken and achieving our personal purpose. I am a teacher and coach at heart! Every one of us must discover our uniqueness and what makes us bloom into the best version of ourselves. We are all attending life university, I happen to be one of the many faculty members. My subject is deeply connected to business and helping awaken the “Purpose Driven Leader” that we all have inside of us. In my mind we all came to master our personal life and there are ways to accelerate our growth. That is the expertise I share…

One of the choices to make is our career. Many people think of it as a driver of our life. In many cases, our career becomes our identity shaping our life. My experience has shown me that our career is in reality an outlet of who we are becoming. It is a propeller of our efforts to shape the best version of ourselves. Our career is one of the chosen playgrounds where we are constantly challenged to learn, reinvent ourselves, grow and continue progressing with our journey.

I have to admit that for quite some time I had work defined who I was “supposed” to be, based on my interpretation of the external world demands. Through frustration and disappointment, I learned that sustained fulfillment comes from deep introspection, self-exploration and awakening to my purpose. I find joy in coaching leaders to accelerate their discovery and achievement of the life that they are meant to live professionally and personally.

Are you in love with what you do at work every day? Is it recharging you and supporting your overall life journey?


Fulfilled Life… Present to Now


Sharpening Skills