The Other Golden Rule

“Treat yourself with the same love and respect you want to show others.” Love this concept from Jay Shetty!

We can only be and give that of who we are. Then, the treatment and priority that we give to our well-being is key to dramatically improve the quality of our life. That was one of the areas in which I have grown significantly.

Through my upbringing and culture, the tendency is to give priority to others even at the cost of our needs; out of fear to be perceived as selfish and inconsiderate… Resulting on my propensity to be over critical when things didn't go as expected. Often, my inner talk was super rough with myself. In a way that I will not apply or expect from others.

I have learned to be more gentle, kind and that friend to myself that appreciates, encourages and lifts myself. It has not been easy, however it has been my way to transform and improve the relationship with myself and by default with others. Now, I am not willing to put up with negative emotions and feelings of unworthiness, as they are a result of acting in opposition to what is important to me.

I strive constantly to offer thoughts aligned to what I want and not in contradiction... that builds my strength. Having the discernment and awareness that I CARE MORE FOR WHAT I FEEL than what others may think of me, is key to the decisions and choices I make .

I lead by example by being that person that I would like to be around: that friend, colleague, supervisor, daughter, partner, lover that I wish I would like to have. At last, I stopped trying to fix / change others and situations that are out of my control. Nothing needs to change for me to find a way to feel good and take care of my wellbeing and what is important for me.

This has resulted in creating the situations and environment that I enjoy, empower and drive me forward. It is clear that change and my well-being starts with me...

What will happen if we All apply "The Other Golden Rule" to our life?

#leadbyexample #clarity #purpose #wellbeing #being #GoldenRule #intention


Finding Ways to Be Happy


Expression - A Must!