What does success mean to you?

Success at its purest meaning is the achievement of desired visions and planned goals. It may be shaped in infinite ways, as it depends on personal preferences. However, many of those preferences may be influenced and driven by our environment, family, society, etc.

Thus, reflecting on the origin of your vision and goals is crucial. If they are set as a response to your external environment, appearances, opinions of other people, what is expected by your family, society, and/or what you should do or not… instead of the outcomes that result of true personal choice, it can cause you to become slave to external appreciation and judgement. You may find yourself on an eternal comparison that will constantly run your life choices. Often, this results in feelings that “it is never enough!” Overachievement can therefore be a symptom of the constant comparison and competition with others.

I have been held hostage to constantly searching for approval and appreciation of others at the cost of not being true to myself, looking to conform and align with expectations of a pre-established path of what ought to be done. It was only until I took the time to discover my personal purpose and mission that I was able to use the fear of judgement or rejection, frustration, guilt, overwhelm and other emotions that pull me down as guides to let me know when to stop and realign.

I understood that our emotions are the compass that reveals our alignment to our values and personal purpose. Hence, pausing to take some time to reflect what causes you to feel excited or down is key! Do you find yourself experiencing ups and downs depending on the reactions of other people and feedback you get from your environment?

What would happen if you feel happy, energized, driven, and with other feelings that pull you forward regardless of how your surroundings challenge you or the opinion of others? It is then that you can be assured that the path and goals you have chosen for yourself are in alignment with your personal vision and values, and you can course correct and make choices that keep you on track. This is easier said than done for most of us based on the way that we are brought up.

Success is relative. However, it is a great marker that help us identify if we are trapped on a never ending race of overachievement and compliance or a path of purpose, mission and excitement.

What is your “Success” showing you now?

#success #environment #purpose #alignment #guide


Decide to Be Happy!


It is 2-22-22!!!!