

Sessions in English and Spanish /

Sesiones en Inglés y Español


Creando Mi Plan de Desarrollo Personal y Profesional

Nuestro enfoque y atención crea la realidad y experiencias que vivimos

Tomate el tiempo para imaginar y crear tu plan de desarrollo personal y profesional.

Inscríbete y descubre claves para incrementar tus probabilidades de éxito para lograr tus metas!

Una sesión via Zoom de 1.5 horas: Miércoles, Junio 21 de 6:00 PM a 7:30 PM (Hora de Houston y Ecuador)

Inversión: Sin Costo

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Live Your Purpose Now

Are You…

  • Feeling overwhelmed, bored, depleted or experiencing a void that your current success does not satisfy you?

  • Worried that time is passing by and you have not discovered your purpose?

  • Getting ready to retire, become an empty nester or another big change in your life and you need a new direction?


Our Purpose is always in the background driving our life personally and professionally. Awakening to it is a powerful way to turn around the disempowering state you are facing. Give yourself the gift of clarity and the ability to express your vision and why you do what you do. Empower yourself and inspire others to take action. How would it feel to wake up every day super energized and inspired to drive your personal mission forward while achieving extraordinary results?

Ana-Maria Georgieva and I are joining efforts to share powerful ways to start living your purpose Now… so you can start to:

  • Feel inspired, more energized, empowered, and motivated again to create new exciting opportunities

  • Own your current reality and make it a foundation for exploring your true passions, without guilt and what other people’s think

  • Reinvent yourself and create a makeover to feel more radiant, youthful and more excited for your future


Sign up to our exclusive complementary masterclass to learn about proven strategies to start Living Your Purpose Now. Click on the link below. Reserve your Spot!!!

August 9th from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM CST (Houston and Quito time) - via Zoom (offered in English)

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Awaken to Your Purpose

Start Shining a Light on the “Why” that Drives Your Life

Our Purpose has always been in the background driving our life personally and professionally.

Why This?

Your life is constantly driven by your Why. If you have not given yourself the time to explore and awaken to your purpose, today you are living your life led by a subconscious guide. When people ask you, what moves you to do what you do? What is your answer? Can you fully explain? Are you thinking in the back of your mind … “that is me or it is what I love?” You don’t need to feel wordless and/or that you are being guided by an invisible compass… The compass is in your hands, you know it exits and that it drives you!! Dare to make the compass your life visible. It is a powerful experience to be able to give a voice to that “gut feeling compass” that moves you into action personally and professionally.


Why Now?

Become a Purpose Driven Leader! Give yourself the gift of clarity and the ability to express your vision and why you do what you do. Empower yourself and inspire others to take action. Learn the formula and strategies to access the information that is already within you. Allow yourself to become the best version of yourself with a clear compass to guide your actions.

What would you do to activate that inner compass to drive your actions and ignite your drive every day? 

How would it feel to wake up every day super energized and inspired to drive your personal mission forward while achieving extraordinary results?


Register by clicking on the link below. Reserve your Spot!!! May 7th from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM CST (Houston and Quito time) - via Zoom

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Running on Autopilot?

Stop Running on Autopilot, Regain Control of Your Life Perspective

How to regain perspective on where your career is headed, even if you feel trapped and without purpose?

Why This?

Your life is constantly presenting you with challenges, adding pressure to your already busy and full daily schedule.  Over time, you have learned to navigate the many challenges by being on autopilot. As time passes, you can see the horizon however we don't know the direction we would like to move towards. We find ourselves frustrated in a never ending race… We want to change without knowing where to begin.


Why Now?

Time passes by super-fast, and week after week we are busy putting fires of many commitments and last minute things to be resolved.  Our energy is low, we feel disconnected and not happy.  Our work demands are super high, our family is requiring our presence, we have not been to the gym for months and we have barely time to care for our basic personal needs. 

 What would you do to STOP being on Autopilot and end this never ending race?  How would you feel regaining perspective by knowing the exact strategies that will shift you into progress?

 Take Action and Join me this February 19 at a complementary workshop from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Central Time

This is a step to Stop this never ending race.  Gain perspective and actionable steps to quickly move forward. 

Click below and sign up!

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Shaping My 2022!


Our focus and attention create the reality and experiences we live

Give yourself the time to envision and plan your 2022 goals.

Sign up and discover tips to increase your rate of success to achieve your goals!

One 2 hours session via Zoom: December 30 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Central Time)

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Creando Mi 2022!


Nuestro enfoque y atención crea la realidad y experiencias que vivimos

Tómate el tiempo para imaginar y planificar tus metas del 2022.

Inscríbete y descubre claves para incrementar tus probabilidades de éxito para lograr tus metas!

Una sesión via Zoom de 2 horas: Diciembre 29 de 4:00 PM a 6:00 PM (Hora de Guatemala /Houston para Ecuador +1 hora)

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Comienza con el objetivo final en mente

Conviertete en el autor y diseñador de tu vida.

Tomate un espacio para aprender técnicas simples para balancear mejor tu tiempo personal y profesional.

Inscríbete y descubre claves para establecer una vision de lo que quieres en tu vida y romper el ciclo de la ocupación compulsiva.

Una sesión via Zoom de 1.5 horas: Sábado, Julio 24 de 9:00 AM a 10:30 AM (Hora de Ecuador/Houston para Guatemala -1 hora)

Inversión: $50 USD

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Start with the End in Mind

Become the author and designer of your life.

Give yourself the time to learn about simple tips to better balance your work and personal time

Sign up and simple tips to start setting a vision of what you want in life and avoid getting lost in the busyness cycle.

One 1.5 hours session via Zoom: Saturday, July 17th from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM (Central Time)

Investment: US$50

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Tips on Managing Uncertainty


Learn to identify and focus on what you can control

This will provide you clarity to decide and act

Join this event by signing up in the link below. Login details will follow upon payment.

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Exploring My Purpose and Generating My Dream Life
to Jul 11

Exploring My Purpose and Generating My Dream Life

Living a fulfilled life with intention and purpose requires becoming more self aware. Join us on this practical and experiential seminar that enables you to:

  • Understand the essence of what motivates you in life,

  • Explore alternate ways of thinking and seeing yourself and the world you live in, and

  • Apply straightforward models that help you reframe your thoughts and actions

Three Saturday sessions via Zoom: June 27, July 11 and 25, 2020 from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM (Central Time)

Investment: $350 USD

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Explorando Mi Propósito y Generando la Vida que Deseo
to Jul 23

Explorando Mi Propósito y Generando la Vida que Deseo

Vivir una vida plena y con propósito requiere un auto-conocimiento profundo. Te invitamos a este taller teórico y practico que te permitirá:

  • Entender la esencia de lo que te motiva en tu vida,

  • Exponerte a nuevas y distintas maneras de pensar para una mejor comprensión de ti mismo y del mundo que te rodea

  • Aprender modelos/herramientas simples y practicas que te ayuda a ganar perspectiva y tomar acción

Tres sesiones vía Zoom los días Jueves: Junio 25, Julio 9 y 23, 2020 de 7:00 PM a 9:00PM (Hora de Bogotá, Quito, Houston, 6:00PM a 8:00PM Guatemala)

Inversión: $350 USD

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