
Are we born with it or do we grow into it?

If the definition of confidence is feeling sure of yourself and your abilities… then, it is something we grow into it!

Confidence is that trust, belief, faith, credence, conviction, reliance that we are the cause and not the effect of the life that we live. It is that compounded effect of what we feed our minds with on a regular basis.

The environment and people we surround ourselves with have a deep effect in shaping our beliefs, values and the way we face life.

What are the messages that you receive on a daily basis?

· Are they mostly focused on building your strengths or focused on pointing out deficiencies / improvement areas?

· Do they make you feel empowered or that is never enough?

· Do you feel courageous to take a risk and try new things or fearful and cautions of failure / judgement?

· Are they setting a limit or they present unlimited growth, potential and advancement?

· Do they make you feel seen, heard and what you say matters?

As you raise your children, train your pets, interact with your co-workers, spouse: what is the effect that your actions and words cause on them? Do your discussions, interactions, questions and messages help them to grow, believe more in themselves and encourage them to be a better version of themselves?

We can only give what we are. The effect that we cause on others reflects our current inner state and the way in which we treat ourselves.

We grow into Confidence, as is the result of the compounded effect of our daily thoughts and actions that in often are influenced by our environment.

Stop and reflect on the environment at work, home, extended family, friends, neighborhood, country, etc. We become the closest 5 people in our life. Do they reflect that ideal vision for yourself?

#leadership #confidence #guidance #feedback




Big Decisions