Big Decisions

What was that big decision that looking back shaped who you are today?

For me was saying yes to an assignment in the US

Regardless of small or big decisions, we all are confronted with the following:

1. Facing endings and beginnings: Life was great before coming to the US. I was on top of the world… I had the dream team at work, I was the most fit, climbing mountains, living in my dream condo, I was super confident, happy and living the best life… I remembered saying to a friend, about this time of year, everything is so perfect that it feels that a big change may come. Right after my sister’s wedding, I finally said yes… It was super hard leaving my family and friends in Ecuador. I ended a fantastic time in my life to face new beginnings in a foreign land.

Endings and beginnings are unavoidable with every decision we make.

2. Changing to grow and evolve: I set the intention of transforming my life with the move to the US… and OH BOY if it was… it shook me out of my comfort/known zone in all ways possible… it was like an earthquake… from the perfect team to the most challenging team, from an environment that I knew how to navigate and thrive to unknown charter waters. I was on my own and often I would receive harsh comments on my driving style needing adjustment to fit the new work culture. Without going into all the details, I have to say that all these experiences made me shake out from living by the expectations of others. I ended up choosing a path that veered from the traditional corporate career to find myself through awakening to my purpose, passion and life mission. It was thanks to pain and struggle… just like a baby birthing into the world that I found my way in the US... All worth it without a doubt! My confidence got shattered and I confronted the hardest lessons personally and professionally that shaped who I am today and drove me to creating a fantastic life again!

3. Monitoring alignment through emotions: Feeling stressed, down or burn out, became for me a sign of misalignment with myself and my purpose. I was relentless in finding ways/people to help me discover what really was important to me… That is how I got to the self-development world and I became a coach…. Out of a lot of pain and feeling so uncomfortable, I knew things needed to change… And the most important learning, when monitoring alignment, was that feeling unwell was an alert that a lesson is being presented, instead of letting it bringing me down… this lower emotional state showed the context to change and claim what I need to bring me back to joy and happiness.

Big or small changes involve endings and beginnings. Supported by Purpose, our decisions help us grow and evolve to the life that we are meant to live. Our emotions help us monitor our alignment to make it an even more worthwhile experience.

What is that next big decision that will continue to shape that best version of yourself?

#purpose #leadership #drive #guidance




Big decisions lead us to our path…