Big decisions lead us to our path…

Endings and beginnings require determination and courage. They are unavoidable throughout our life. They can be easy and many times extremely difficult; especially if they are a habit, within our comfort zone or perceived as breaking our known stability.

If we want to grow, evolve and/or change we will face an ending and a beginning. Awakening to my purpose has been a blessing to transforming my reality. Purpose is my compass to guide my choices and decisions. Regardless of the place, people or experiences around me. I am able to find a way to keep me grounded and on course. I have learned to be open to the lessons and joy that is presented to me professionally and personally.

Whatever we are facing today reflects our thoughts and emotional state. This can range from pain, anxiety, hardship, scarcity, health, empowerment, joy, happiness, love, etc. If you stop and remember the last time that you experienced and/or felt positive or negative: was driven by our focus and choice…?

When two people are presented with exactly the same situation, conditions and at the same time; based on our background or mood our experience can be significantly different. For example, on those cold and snowy days do you feel down and complain of the horrible weather or do you get excited and see the opportunity to make the most out of it and enjoy: 1) turning the fireplace, a hot chocolate and baking cookies… or 2) bundle up and play outside skiing, snowboarding, make a snow angel….

I have been on both sides of the equation; the positive and negative. I know today that my perception reflects my choices and focus. It is me who shapes my reality and experience. Then, I have simply made a choice to be light, enjoy, flow, and love the places, people and experiences that are presented to me. And on those moments when it seems to not align with my preference I ask… What is this here showing me?…

I am exactly with the people, at the place and experiencing what I need for the next best step…. I know that life is happening for me and not to me.

There are many options… My responsibility is to define what is that life that I am meant to live in alignment to my purpose… Now endings and beginnings happen with much more ease….

Would you like that for yourself and your loved ones?

#purpose #choice #ending #beginning


Big Decisions


Before You Sleep…