Creating and Experience...

We are inundated with requests to provide a review for the experience that we had at a restaurant, after a purchase or receiving a service. Undoubtedly, we have an opinion that reflects how the experience made us feel; based on expectations of how things or other people should or should not be….

When was the last time you intentionally chose the experience that you wanted to create at a personal and professional level?

As I ask this question, often I get blank stares… as it is more common to think about the experience we had with others than the one we are generating as a leader, supervisor, mother, father, child, friend and any other role you may play in life… Why is that the case?

Our education and in many instances the way we have been brought up, point us to tie our well-being to what is happening in our external world. Therefore, many of us focus on fixing others and situations to be able to feel good. Little we know of the power that we have in our environment by how people feel after interacting with us. This is a clear way to lead by example.

Take the time to choose the experience you want to create: clarity, curiosity, understanding, happiness, enjoyment, care, etc.

Make people feel seen, heard and what they say matters... and see the impact that has on your own experience.

#leadership #purpose #intention #experience #creation #connection


Problem or Solution…

