Problem or Solution…

Are you under the influence of the problem or under the influence of the solution?

This powerful question recently caught my attention. Problem and Solution are the ends of the same stick. Meaning a situation that we would like to change have both, however our focus on one side vs. the other leads to different results.

In an environment where the focus is the problem, our energy and efforts are on what is not working well. We are on a mission to fix something or someone. For example, in the past I used to be focused on the situations that I did not agree with and kept talking to many people of what needed to change, based on my expectations. To my surprise the more I talked about it the more people I found that had a similar opinion and the unsettling and frustration grew for me and those around me. Common topics that you may recognize following this trend are the terrible traffic, the horrible weather, the difficult colleagues, the rowdy kids, etc.

On the other hand, when the focus is on the solution, our energy and efforts are on what we want to see occurring in our reality. It is a state to look for how things can work and the positive side of people and situations. We become more resourceful and our attention helps us create a more positive and empowering environment. Conversations and actions are focused on moving forward. We attract people that have a more positive outlook of the situations. Using the same examples, in the case of heavy traffic, I am reaching out for the GPS to look for alternate routes; when it rains I appreciate that my plants are being watered; I am grateful for the differences with my colleagues as they enhance my decisions and the kids love to play and bring joy to my family.

The influence which we choose to be under reflects our mindset and the way we will navigate the situations that life presents us… and more importantly predicts if we will create an empowering or challenging environment for ourselves and those around us.

Then where were you today: under the influence of the problem or under the influence of the solution?

#focus #mindset #intention #purpose #leadership




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