Dancing - Leadership Strengthening

Dancing: a connection of heart, body and mind… a great way to strengthen the leader that is within us

I participated at the Millennium Dance-sport Championship for the second time. It is amazing to enter this new world of competitive dancing. It is a type of sport with its rituals, rules, judges and different levels of expertise.

Regardless of the level, it was great to see the passion, dedication, skill and ability to lead and follow of all the competitors. Hundreds of participants giving their full selves to many rhythms.

As I entered the hotel, it was full of determined, fit and beautiful people. It felt a bit intimidating, I have to admit. It is my 2nd year in ballroom dancing. I was hesitant to learn Waltz, Tango and Quick Step… my impression was that these dances were too structured. To my surprise, I have discovered they are not… and they present a new world of connection and communication.

Learning the different rhythms and styles is similar to learning new languages. Entering this space stretches me to become more comfortable with different sides of me. It has been a great way to learn, express myself and enjoy.

I am blessed to have a great instructor Mirko Spano and coach Pamela Romano. Thank you for your support and all the great teaching. Under their guidance, I won first place for the second time! Their dedication and expertise is extraordinary personally and professionally. At their young age they are mastering their skills and bringing along students that follow their steps. I have seen their growth and mastery. They are my inspiration to become better at dancing. A huge thank you to both!

Finally, interesting enough there are many similarities on my approach to dancing and how I relate to other areas and people in life personally and in business. Then, it is another way to keep polishing my leadership, strengthening my confidence and grounding me even more on countinuing to create the best version of myself. I am super happy to keep growing on this fun and enjoyable passion.

What is your hobby / passion that is helping you grow and stretch out of your comfort zone?


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