Independence Day

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…

The three major ideas of the United States Declaration of Independence. Life and Liberty are the foundational rights for many countries. The Pursuit of Happiness, a more unique thrilling idea to embody and embrace it!

I have become captivated by finding ways to pursue happiness. I strive to enter flow and lightness as I engage people, situations and experiences. Happiness to me is simply enjoying and being fully present in the moment. As the 1st half of 2022 ends, applying my definition of happiness, I realized my achievement of various significant milestones effortlessly, in spite of the high demands at work.

One more time, I experienced that aside from our circumstances, we can shape our reality and make it worthwhile. My decision to pursue happiness has been the propeller of this progress. Here are some of those wins that I can share:

  1. Swam my first 60 minutes non-stop, a long standing goal. I said yes to swimming 76 laps to celebrate independence day… This meant 16 extra laps to my regular training … I enjoyed every minute of being under the sun, breathing and the bubbles that formed with every stroke as my hand entered the water.

  2. Won first place in my 2nd ballroom dancing competition. On this occasion, I was only able to practice half of what I did last year. To my surprise I got first place. I learned that it is not about working hard but rather our mindset. My intention was having fun and embracing myself. No judging, comparing or feeling self-conscious of the judges, viewers and other competitors. Fully accepting where I am today and present in the moment.

  3. Published on a multi author book. My social media postings have served as my writing training grounds. The combination of having clarity on my purpose and mission moved me to make this possible.

  4. Redefined my meaning of success. For many years my corporate career was my main driver and identity. I realized that I am much more than that. I have met my intention, set 12 years ago, that the sacrifice of leaving my family, friends and country, following my ExxonMobil career, will result in a transformative life experience. Today I can finally see the results… I am more myself than ever. I have gotten to see more sides of myself and experienced things I could have not imagined. I am beyond happy!

There are many circumstances, people and places that can cause change in our life. In my case, moving to the USA and choosing the pursuit of happiness. Who would have told the adventure I signed up for?

It has not been all roses… I have had super hard moments too… So I can assure you that it is up to us regardless of the place or circumstances to 1) Gain clarity on our purpose and life mission, 2) Set intentions and 3) Pursue them no matter what…

After all, Independence Day is: The time in which we boldly and fully embrace our life, liberty and pursue our happiness

#purpose #happiness #pursuit #independence #career #life


Purpose Driven Leaders


Dancing - Leadership Strengthening