Decisions – Decisions

I often find myself split between two choices. I do the pros and cons and often both options result with logical strong reasons to go for one or the other option… Then I tend to get stuck in my head. Has this happened to you?

Decisions that have driven the biggest change in my life have not been logical. They have had a deeper or different source… my intuition and purpose. That deep knowing that we know it is there but we often don’t listen to it as it may involve a riskier or unknown path. Personally, I am challenging myself to expand my way of thinking by exposing myself to different experiences, people and environments. I have to admit that at times it is not easy, however it is exciting and much more interesting this way.

Some of these decisions have helped me conquer fear, showed me how to make possible what seemed impossible, broaden my perspective and much more… A few examples of those decisions are: skydiving, walking in coals at 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, become a ballroom dancer, join elite groups for self-development, traveled heavily for 14 years for work, moving to a different country, dated people from different cultures and backgrounds, intentionally speaking in public, trying exotic dishes and so on… it can be many things that are out of our normal routine and known world…

What have you decided lately driven by your intuition and purpose more than logic?... I challenge you to start this week with a decision that takes you out of your comfort zone!

#change #development #purpose #intuition #progress #happiness #fulfillment


Recharge & Re-energize

