
These past weeks I have felt stuck. My vision and focus have been cluttered. I realized that I have been focusing on the symptoms, meaning, I kept talking and thinking about the daily events that were not aligned to my desires. I bought into my environment instead of devoting my time to the true actions that will help me to move forward.

Often, our mind focuses on the darkness of the current conditions: being busy, having no time, feeling overwhelmed by events and people, and so on… All of these, act as a cloud that generate feelings of stress, uncertainty and unhappiness… With those lower-level emotions, a downward spiral is created.

I have managed to pick up my state and clarify what I would like more in my life: money, time and magic. Now my focus, time and efforts are devoted to clearly define and engage on the activities and people that are aligned with that. A simple shift in focus has put me back on path with new engagements to coach, opportunities to improve team dynamics and ideas to grow my self-awareness and those around me.

What I share today with you, it is much easier said than done… the innate programing that most of us have is to highlight more often what is not working; then making us feel stuck. If you want to quickly shift, change your focus by defining and expressing exactly that what you want happening in your life…

Create a path to keep progressing

Shift your Focus… Test This Out!


Focus with a Plan…


Confronting an Enabler?