Focus with a Plan…

The Start of a New Week!... Are you Excited or are you Dragging?

If you are dragging … Here are some thoughts for you… and if you are excited, keep it up! … and what I am about to share is also for you.

Jim Rohn says: “Start your day, week and year with a plan that moves you forward on the life that you have envisioned for yourself”

The PLAN is not a checklist of things that you need to complete at work, home, etc… They are the experiences, activities and people you will engage in to move you forward. It includes the time that you will invest to think and care for your body, mind and soul. This plan helps us FOCUS on what is relevant and important for us… it targets our time, efforts and energy on activities that will be aligned to our values and the mission and vision we’ve set for ourselves.

TAKE the TIME to clearly DEFINE what is that life VISION and ensure to have your days, weeks and years planned for that extraordinary life you want for yourself.

Share below one thing you would like in your life and that a plan / path will enable its achievement

#energy #vision #focus #direction #plan #progress


Questions / Preguntas

