
What do you do on those days that you are not feeling well?

Do you dwell on the headache, the long lines, traffic, your packed calendar, traffic, etc?

Gratitude has magic powers to quickly help us shift into well-being.

We are all in full control of the creation of our daily experience. It is driven by our decision of “allowing the atmosphere to condition me or me conditioning the atmosphere.” Let me give you an example. I can follow along with the collective mood, whatever that is and let myself reflect the joy or stress on it. These past weeks I experienced long days and high work hours… and I often heard “hang in there” … I have to admit that it got me into a downward spiral… and at the same time gave me the opportunity to decide to shift by starting a gratitude rant. That allowed me to identify what this moment is teaching me… what opportunities this situation is bringing me? In my case, the many meetings lead me to opportunities of brief coaching moments and exchanges helping leaders identify ways to better support themselves and their teams. My vision for a moment got cluttered with the endless days instead of the progress that I was having to living closer to my purpose and passion.

Focusing on what is missing instead of what is present and I already have… For example, I am not fully in coaching mode, however day by day I am doing more of it. It presents itself in different shapes and forms… from a conversation to a full session…. Gratitude has allowed me to recognize that I am in my path by acknowledging what is present today. It is about realizing that I am already doing what I aspire to, even if it is not at the intensity I envision. That is what matters most.

Life is ready to give us more of what we focus on… then monitoring our mood and perspective is key to continue progressing in the direction we have set for ourselves. Become aware of the language you use, the stories that are running through your mind. Make sure to keep choosing those thoughts and actions that match the vision for the life you want to experience.

Take a moment to be grateful for five things: “I am grateful for_________, I am grateful for__________. I am grateful for __________, I am grateful for____________, I am grateful for____________”

What do you notice after you finish? Would you agree that Gratitude has a magic power to keep us centered, focused and energized to progress during the day?

In the end, achieving our goals and aspirations are the collection of our daily actions.. Then, would it make sense to charge us every day with gratitude and recognition of what we have to attract more into our life?

#grateful #coaching #leaders #power #opportunity


Lead with Energy


Fulfilled Life… Present to Now