Lead with Energy

I got to swim today!

I love the water and eventhough the first jump in the pool may be chilly and not as fun; it is so worth it. I had a lot of activities to get through today and almost said no to swimming…. So glad I went! If you are tempted to drop from your priority list physical activity, think twice.

Our body and emotional state are impacted by how we recharge our energy levels. Moving our body is key to achieve this through physical activity. It can be walking, running, swimming, dancing, working out, etc… The important thing is to move!

The care for our body is key to maintaining a high level of energy, focus and health. This is achieved by the accumulation of the daily choices and activities we engage in. Three main key areas 1) Nourishment through a balanced nutrition, 2) Movement with an exercise routine or physical activity of your choice, 3) Rest / Recovery by taking breaks throughout the day and sleeping 7-8 hrs.

Take a moment this week to notice how do you feel at the end of each day:

· Tired, low energy, numbness on your body, sluggish, clothes are becoming tight?


· Energized, fit, happy, focused, ready to engage in more activities, clothes fit to your liking?

Daily awareness of our state is the key to adjust and/or continue in the direction we desire.

#energy #focus #health #lead


Integrous Influence

