Integrous Influence

“We do things because we want more: Money, Time, Magic” – Sean R. Callagy

What if your ability to Influence is the key to move you towards achieving what you envision for yourself?

Have you assessed your style of influence and the results you are achieving with growing your money, time and magic?

This is what I explored over the UNBLINDED Full Immersion. An empowering event to deepen understanding and sharpen my skills.

Let me start by defining Influence. It is the ability to transfer an idea from your head and heart so that someone else can receive it, understand it and act upon it with their head and heart. Human relations and business are built through our intention and focus of our Influence. Our results can be:

1. Negative – when the other party is harmed and/or the value provided is less than what we take

2. Neutral – when there is an even exchange of value

3. Integrous – when it is caring, respectful, pursues the truth and seeks to add more value than what we take

If the quality of your life personally and in business is the direct reflection of your relationships, what would happen if you 1) chose at all times integrous influence, and 2) the intention behind every interaction is to make people feel seen, heard and what they say matters to you?

This skill, as any other, requires practice and a commitment to mastery. It is a way of living based on openness, trust, connection and faith. This has increased my overall life fulfillment and flow in the relationships and activities I engage in. Often, I am surprised by finding the environment, obtaining the resource, being mentored or introduced to that exact person or thing that I had in mind. It is effortless and in complete flow progress.

That doesn’t mean that challenges are not present and that need to be resolved. However, managing them have stopped being a struggle and instead they have become an opportunity to learn, become more resourceful and grow.

Yes! That is the Power of Integrous Intention. Thank you Sean Callagy and Unblinded for the extraordinary perspective, our rich-diverse community and supporting me in my path to mastery!

I am ready to apply, share and lead the way…… Here I come more Money, Time and Magic… This is Beyond Exciting!

#influence #integrous #leadership #relationship #build #mastery


The cost of not being present….


Lead with Energy