The cost of not being present….

A Purpose Driven Leader is a continuous work in progress. It doesn’t mean perfection. It means constant improvement and growth which also involves some setbacks. It is about the intention and awareness from which we learn our lessons to continue building a base of an ascending trajectory.

There will be some days that we may not be fully present… that has a cost… To give you an example. During my trip to New Jersey, I had many things to complete and had only a few hours of sleep. I know that on those days of little sleep I am not fully present…. Then, at the airport as I approached the gate ready to board, I realized that I did not have my phone with me and I had 10 minutes before the gate closed. My brain started working at 1000 miles per hour… tracking where I was and where I could have lost it…. I realized I may have dropped it at the United Club at the opposite side of the gate…. I left my friend at the gate and with my backpack on my back I started running to find my phone…. Crazy… I have never ran that fast, looked quickly at the last places I recall having the phone and finally found it at the counter with the attendants…. Mission accomplished now, ran back to catch the flight!!!! Pure adrenaline…. In this case it was a recoverable incident and I was able to catch my flight on time….

Today, this incident has become a funny story… in the moment not so much. Without a doubt a good lesson learned. One more time, I became ultra-aware that if I am losing things and feeling stressed or anxious, I need to STOP, BREATH, RELAX and REFOCUS…

What do you do when you realize you are not present?


It is 2-22-22!!!!


Integrous Influence