Ideas Blooming?

Where does your creative power and inspiration comes from today? Are you allowing yourself to be exposed to new experiences, people and places to ignite your imagination and dream power?

Today looking at my Pink Magnolia, I thought about the power of creation and the impact of seasons in nature. I have come to the realization of the power of understanding that our life also follows seasons or cycles.

Women, man, the moon, plants, the sea, etc. follow cycles where levels of energy and timing for creation varies. Becoming aware of these patterns and the best times to accelerate and pause, enables us to be more effective and productive. For example, during Winter it is time to rest-recharge, Spring focuses on growth-bloom, Summer harvest, Autumn plant and plan for the new cycle. Often, in modern life, we tend to stay in one season of constant production and acceleration time, skipping and/or forcing the natural cycles.

Interestingly enough, personally I have realized that even if we try hard, we don’t escape cycles and seasons. It has served me well to become aware of them. For example, often I find myself facing big changes in my life around October (e.g. the month I started my professional life, my move to the US got communicated then) December through February are months where I find myself processing and preparing for that new phase. March things start moving and April –July is that growth and acceleration phase. Having this information helps me to manage my expectations and levels of energy.

If naturally we are meant to follow cycles/seasons, wouldn’t it make sense to make the best out of each one?

Have you taken the time to identify your own cycles/seasons?

#seasons #cycles #energy #focus #purpose #power


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