We Shape Our Daily Experiences

Our daily experiences are the reflection of our focus, attention and thoughts either unconsciously or consciously.

Unconsciously, when we are on autopilot, meaning following our habitual routines that do not necessarily fulfill us. We are on the go, go and go... following the busyness of our daily schedules, many times feeling tired, stressed, overwhelmed and with a sense of loss and aloneness.

Conscious daily routines help us install new programming in our life; resulting in a more empowered state that delivers the experiences we enjoy and are aligned with our vision and purpose. This can be achieved with simple changes at the beginning and end of our day. I have felt a significant difference when I start my day with a 10 min meditation, followed by writing in my journal 10 things for which I am truly grateful, setting the intentions for the day, and asking our higher power to guide my actions and decisions. Often, I end my day with a 30-45 minutes swim and a 10 minutes’ meditation before sleeping. These small changes have shifted me to a higher emotional state, meaning I feel happier, more grounded and focused. Making it a habit to reconnect with ourselves and setting intention for the day, reprograms our perception of our environment and shapes our daily experiences.

As I was meditating this morning, I loved the T.I.M.E approach that Jay Shetti shared on the Calm App. It described the routine I follow (recommended by many experts) in a very simple and clever way. So I could not resist sharing it with you.

This is the formula to consciously and intentionally shape our experiences! —-> See it on the picture: Thankfulness, Insight, Meditation, Exercise

#programing #environment #meditation #intention #purpose #connection


Sometimes I wonder…


Ideas Blooming?