Minimize Trade-Offs

TRADE-OFF is an exchange where you give up one thing in order to get something else that you also desire.

Many of us are often confronted with trade-offs.  We choose sub-optimal situations for safety, convenience, limited knowledge and perspective, and other reasons.  It is often that I hear that “we cannot have it all. ” We accept and adjust our realities to experiences that restrict our ability to fully develop, enjoy, and grow.

Recently, I noticed that for a long time I have chosen people and environments with a high intellectual capability and a low emotional connection. I enjoy the mental challenge as it pushes me to grow, while giving me this sense of security and control.  In this way, I have gained a “false sense of security” that when faced with a problem I can quickly regain control and/or could be guided to a resolution. 

The trade-off has created a void of emotional support and the recognition of its importance. As I reflect, this has shown up at work, friends, love relationships, trainers, etc.  This unconsciously has prevented me from fully being myself and to allow having the support I need and deserve. 

Today, I am choosing to stop being OK with trade-offs.  My focus now is to go for the people and environments that provide the Smarts as well as the Emotional Safety / Connection.  This combination exists! Both are essential to continuing building our confidence and our overall well being.  

It is easy to spot when we have found those people and places that provide that magic combination (Smarts & Emotional Connection).  We feel comfortable, happy, we can fully express ourselves, it is effortless and flows.. We become, as a whole, a better version of ourselves on the way.

Share below in the comments:  What are you choosing for yourself?  Are you regularaly choosing the “Magic Combination” or do you continue to accept in your life “Trade-Offs”?


Emotional Fitness?


Stop Wanting!