Emotional Fitness?

“Many of us are unfit emotionally…

EMOTIONAL FITNESS is determined by our mindset, our model of the world, our interpretation of what things mean… Meaning produces emotion… Change your psychology, change your life….” – Tony Robbins

As I was walking to my car at the end of the workday, I was reflecting on my current emotional fitness. Not a surprise after the workshop I delivered over the weekend. This has been my focus for years and I have to say that I’ve grown a lot on this matter. However, this is an area that requires continuous work as we are regularly tested in different areas of life.

These tests may appear in different experiences, people and environments as PROBLEMS / CHALLENGES.

Resolving problems / challenges is what builds the power and strength of our emotional fitness muscles. The past year at work has been full of challenges and changes. Then, plenty of test opportunities!

I have to admit that I have caught myself focusing on what is not working instead of what is working. Under pressure and stress, that is where most of us go… Then training ourselves to overcome problems with a solution focus, instead of what is wrong is the key. That is how we reshape our MINDSET. We all can change the STORIES that WE TELL OURSELVES.

Norman Vincent Peale (author of The Power of Positive Thinking) said that “The world needs a different mindset… Problems are a Sign of Life… we have a CHOICE as what is wrong and what is right is equally available…”

At the end, WE GET what we FOCUS on. Then, Journaling has become my daily routine to program my day, envision what is possible and to be grateful for what is going well. This is one of the ways I continue to build my emotional fitness.

Share below:

1. What is your emotional fitness level? Super Strong, Strong, Building Up, Weak, Need Help

2. What do you do to keep building your emotional fitness?


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