Driving Change…

For things to Change, I must Change…                                   

We receive messages in many forms and shapes on the path that we need to follow. Increasing our awareness of those messages increase our ability to shift and live the reality we prefer

Emotions are one of those messages. They provide us with guidance on the perceptions and actions that we should keep or change. Those events, people and environments that generate positive emotions such as happiness, joy, fun, and others are what we should keep and continue. On the other hand, negative or low-level emotions like being angry, sad, stressed out, depressed, etc. are the clue that change is needed as we are not aligned with ourselves.

Many of us indulge in the emotions instead of using them as a guidance and a compass to realign our efforts and focus. Take the time to become attuned with them and embrace the messages they give you. For example:

· Frustration – Indicates that what you are doing is not working.
· Anger - A major personal rule(s) have been violated by you or another person.
· Loneliness - Need to connect with people.
· Disappointment - Expectation that something will not happen.
· Overwhelmed, helpless, depressed - Over loaded.
· Hurt - Expectations not met.
….. and many more

What would happen if regularly you stop to understand what your negative or low-level emotions are telling you?

Share below if you would like more… 😉


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Emotional Fitness?