You Have the Answer Already!

You Have the Answer Already!😉

Many of us search for answers externally in hope to live a more fulfilled life, however, the reality is that we already have the answers. The key is to learn how to access them….

I had the pleasure to talk and coach a young professional that, as many of us, is looking for a change that leads to a more fulfilled life. She asked me about working in HR, my professional journey, and other aspects of life… As I listened to her… I noticed that her true motivation for having the call was finding clues to help her reconnect with her drive and tenacity that have shaped who she is today.

She came to the US, with no English, and found her way to become a financial advisor in the banking industry… All would say… that is great… keep going… Yes! … If that is what ignites her passion. As for many people: That is not her case. So, cutting the story short… and looking at a couple of alternatives that she can consider …

1) continue with a traditional path such as pursuing an MBA with the expectations to become more competitive in the labor market. The intent is to find a new job and keep growing in different industries… all this in search of a better quality of life. She is driven and has taken action, however the challenge is that at this point it is not clear what type of job, industry, or the type of life.… she would like. This is the case for many professionals who encounter a great difficulty to find their way….


2) step back and give herself the opportunity to reflect and clarify what is that thing that ignites her passion and she would like to grow in. In some cases that takes accepting a non-traditional path. This is not an easy thing to do when we want to move fast… However, that time to reflect to be aligned with her interests and personal mission will pay off in the long run.

At the end, this is not a science is more art… we are all provided with a blank canvas to paint our life path… both options are valid and will help us move forward. No doubt!

We always have choices. If you are up to test alternative #2, one way to achieve this is to take at least 10 minutes per day over a month to write down the answer the following questions:

- What is my vision for living an extraordinary life?

To achieve that life:
- What needs to change for my vision to come true?
- How would I live my life?

This is simple and complicated… it takes time like any other master piece. It requires focus, discipline and accepting out of the ordinary ideas that you love. However, there is a high probability that you may end up discarding them as being practical and playing safe is more important.

What would you do?

Give yourself the GIFT of CLARITY…. and take a little risk to break out of the traditional mold….. You Have the Answer Already! ✨✨✨




Driving Change…