Does This Bring You Happiness?

This is the question that my niece, asked me yesterday.  It is simple and profound at the same time as it can be applied to everything we do daily. 

She is helping me with my decluttering efforts by selling items online that are in very good shape; however, I don’t use them anymore.  Usually, I just donate or give them away.  For the first time I am experimenting this route of having an exchange for my gently used items.  I saw her quickly take pictures of the items, adding a description and starting to chat with people to initiate a sale.    In less than 12 hours we were meeting with a buyer for the 2013 Imac and in 15 minutes it got sold.  I regained my space at home and the item got a new owner that we will put it to better use.

This is an awesome liberating feeling that creates flow in life! 

As we continued with the offering of my professional camera, I started having second thoughts if I should proceed with the sale.  I have a tendency that once I don’t have the item, I may want another one again and that stops me from acting… the “just in case I keep it mindset.” That is when she asked me: does this bring you happiness? 

If I honestly answer the question… I love photography.  Capturing the moment makes me happy.  If I think about the last time I took the professional camera out, it has been years…  The hassle of having to carry around the big bag and equipment is not appealing anymore.  My phone has become my favorite compact camera that is ready at any time to capture the moment.   Then, clarifying what brings me happiness is key …. No need for a professional camera!      

As I apply this wise question (Does this bring you happiness?) to other areas in my life such as activities, work/business dealings, interactions with people and other… How will my decisions shift?  Decluttering does not only apply to material objects accumulated at home or the office.  It applies to relationships and activities that we may engage out of habit or because we think we are expected from us.

Can you imagine what will happen to our life if we regularly apply the “Does this bring you happiness?” filter.  How much focus, enjoyment and lighter we can be to enable our progress? What new opportunities can be brought forward because we have liberated space and time from things and people that may not be in full alignment to what we want?

Super exciting! 


Time to Renew & Recharge


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