Our Precious Gift: Life

We have all been given a precious gift: Life

Many times we take life for granted or delay to fully enjoy it. Facing death of a loved one inevitably brings me back to reflect where I am spending my time? Have I reached out to my loved ones and let them know how much they mean to me? Am I grateful for the privilege of being alive, healthy and all the great people, things, places and experiences that surround me?

I have been blessed with friends that show me how to enjoy and live a full life. They have built a wonderful life for themselves driven by a clear purpose and a hunger to be the best version of themselves in service of a bigger cause than them. Remembering them and following their example gives me the strength and fuel to keep me true to myself and continue on my mission.

Today I want to honor one of my big supporters on my mission to help leaders discover their purpose. She was the first one that said yes to experiencing my approach to discover her purpose and supported me along the way. We all have those cheerleaders that mentor and help us to keep going no matter what. I respect her privacy and wish to not make public her passing. However, in these few lines I would like to express my gratitude and love for how much I valued and treasured her friendship.

There are not enough words to express my deep appreciation and love for her. Then my actions are the ones that will resonate with her wisdom, energy, courage and love she brought to the world. I choose to honor you by following your steps of helping people become the best version of themselves. I will look up to the sky to remember our chats, the laughs, and sincere hugs to fuel me on those days that extra power is needed to carry on with simply enjoying life to the max.

My dear friend, thank you for being a great example. I am following your conviction, decision and tenacity to live a full life and being in service to those around us to make the world a better place.

And to you, who is reading this post… please don't share your condolences. Instead share if you have lately taken the time to align yourself to what really is important to you? Have you reached out to your loved ones? Have you given yourself time to appreciate what you have in your life today?

Take action to celebrate and embrace life! Enjoy the precious gift you've been given. Find your purpose and live the life that you are meant to live.

#purpose #guidance #honoring #life #mission #betterworld


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