Proximity is Power!

Did you know that Who you spend time with is who you become?

Finding and connecting with people that stretch us and are already doing what we would like to achieve in our professional and personal life is a super effective way to speed up our learning and achieve what we want.

I was reminded (one more time) of the importance of this at the Tony Robbins (TR) Business Mastery event this weekend... after 18 months of full immersion with TR trainings i notice that i have made conscious choices to get close to people that are living the experiences i want in my life.

Today, I am close to people that live missions beyond themselves, have great relationships with their spouses, express themselves through dance, live with an abundant mindset, have developed true supportive friendships, have tight family relationships and perform at the highest levels in their personal and professional life.

Some days when things are not going as smooth I reach out to my “tribe” of optimism and people that are living life fully the experiences I want to attract to pull me up and get me back on track.

This has made a great difference on my life outlook and my overall ability to enjoy and become more and more myself.

What are you doing to become the greatest version of yourself? I want to challenge you to take time to evaluate if the people surrounding you are helping you to move forward or holding you back. Don’t wait and take action!


Intentional Change

