Reflecting At Sea…

I have been enjoying the open sea for almost 3 days now. Today, we finally saw land at the New Zealand’s Sounds… I am fascinated by water and even more for the sea. Its sound, smell and freshness are just pure joy to me.

This time I experienced the Tasman Sea character… One of the roughest water-bodies on Earth... With Roaring Winds, it lets you feel its rockiness at every step. The Tasman Sea has given me the opportunity to test my balance when walking to reach my destinations on the boat. …And at night, the constant movement reminds me of the new environment that I am getting to know….

As I see the vastness of the sea, I compare it with the vastness that also snow on a mountain and the sand on a desert have. All pure elements that can be experienced at their calmness or storminess… just like life.

The great thing is that their essence is always there no matter of the mood that we experienced them. That Pure Intent of Greatness… it is up to us to see beyond the first impression to discover that key ingredient, skill or message that will serve that exact thing we are searching for.

That is what leaders do… they recognize their essence and those around them; regardless of the environment / mood that it comes on. I am grateful for those leaders that appreciated me for who I am. With my differences and similarities… they encouraged me to go further and trusted me… Thanks to their guidance and empowerment, I have been able to become who I am today.

It is with that gratitude and appreciation that I pay it forward by assuming good intent, looking beyond a 1st impression and connecting to support others. It is in that exchange that we all grow and become that best version of ourselves.

Who is that person that you can extend today the gift of appreciating and recognizing his/her essence?

How can you support them on their growth journey?

#leadership #essence #goodintent #growth #appreciation #guidance #empowerment #purpose


Tauranga - New Zealand


Back from Guyana again!