Turning Around Insanity!

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein

Have you stopped to think that we may be experiencing insanity daily?

Many times, I hear people wanting a different reality for themselves while they are tied to their daily routines and activities without a clear intention. From work to home, meeting after meeting, kids’ activities, driving, household tasks, errands and so on… Feeling unhappy, tired and frustrated…

When you ask them about their desires, quickly come a description of what they DON’T WANT; meaning I don’t want to be late, I don’t want to eat Mexican… you get the picture.

If our Focus is what creates our reality, and our time is spent with unintentional routines and with a lens of the not desired outcomes… isn’t that insanity?

This can be turned around by taking the time to define the outcomes and the person we want to become. We can turn our daily routines into intentional activities that help us grow and transform our reality on what we desire. That refocuses our perception of life.

This starts from little things like the words we tell ourselves to start the day, like today will be a great day, I will be on time, I want to eat a delicious breakfast, I will enjoy my time with my kids and at work… etc. This small change is what can result in a significant change in outcome.

Imagine what could happen if you dedicate time to define in detail what you want in the different areas of your life and you can link it to why it is that important to you…. Will that stop the insanity cycle you may be experiencing unintentionally?

Share your thoughts below.


The Noble Aim…


Go Jump in the Lake of Life!