Go Jump in the Lake of Life!

A year ago, I started to write posts. Many times, I have heard of the power of writing… Pictures in the past were the record of my memories. Now, the combination of pictures with the writing have magnified my ability to reflect on my life journey, growth and progress.

I realized that the people, training, mentors, experiences that I have been immersed in have transformed me to be happier, more self-confident and fulfilled. I am the leader of my life!

This all happened driven by having a clear purpose and creating a holistic life plan. They have been my compass and the map to support the choices and decisions that drive me towards the life I have today. Many of you have asked me about it. As they remember that my life used to revolve mostly around work…

I “joke” that I am a recovered workaholic… Through intention and conscious choices, I have been able to shift my focus of allowing work to define my identity while occupying most of my time… to … utilizing work as the playground, the outlet, that supports my efforts to become the woman I have envisioned for myself.

Human Transformation is my passion and the reason I have become a coach. My life mission is to share what I have learned and help others speed up their process to live a more empowered life. I have taken advantage of two powerful learning mechanisms: Modeling and Proximity. I have learned from the best (Modeling) and have surrounded myself with the people and environment (Proximity) to support and drive my efforts and life vision.

I want to invite you to Jump in the Lake of Life with me! It is easier and more fun when done with a guide and in a community of people that is focused on living a more meaningful and purposeful life.

If you are interested in this invitation, let me know in the comments!

#power #leadership #coaching #transformation #mindset #environment #work #community #growth #learning #leader #life


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