Undesired Challenges

I want to share with you a reflection when experiencing undesired challenging times/situations:

1) Being in a company, experience or a relationship is a voluntary decision: It is a choice.

2) Often, we are in the right place, with the people and experiences we need to learn a life lesson. If we ignore the lesson, it will most likely be repeated in the future under a different context.

3) The focus of my thoughts generates more of what I am thinking regardless of them being positive or negative: I get what I dedicate my energy to.

4) Our brain is commanded by actions (verbs). Monitor your language: For example “I don’t want to be late” (the focus is on being late) —- a better reframe is “Being on Time”

5) We can all change our reality with clarity, decision and action: … Many times we get carried away by circumstances.

6) Undesired situations provide the context and contrast for us to call and act on the desired state.

7) Change starts with me ... that is the only thing I have full control of… ME; then my decisions should be based on what I desire and can act on.

What are you tolerating today that is requiring your decision, refocus and/or action?

#leadership #focus #decision #action #purpose #change


October 21


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