Upgrading Myself

We all have limiting beliefs that drive how we perceive the world and the people around us. Then, they define our decisions and actions. Testing my beliefs to understand if they are serving or stopping me from progressing I ask myself the following questions:

1. Does this serve me?

2. Does this make me feel happy?

3. Does this bring me closer to my purpose?

Three simple questions to keep me on track. This and much more is what I learned at the Unblinded full immersion weekend. I am living every day more and more with their formula to raise my Self Mastery to integrous influence.

“Influence is not a linear or exponential game. It is an infinite game” – Sean Callagy

Then, the opportunity to continuously upgrade ourselves and find ways to merge efforts with others to magnify the impact we want to see in the world. I have been blessed to continue meeting extraordinary people and share experiences that broaden my perspective. I believe that everybody wins when we merge our efforts.

If upgrading ourselves includes working on self while learning and joining efforts with others, what do you do to continue to upgrade and polish yourself?

If you want to know more add in the comment section a Yes!

#selfempowered #upgrade #building #growing




Who am I? And What is my offering to the world?