What is work for you?

Is it an exciting and accelerating experience that you look forward to every day? Wouldn’t it make sense that is the case, considering all the hours that you spend there?

Work for many people usually is that thing “you have to do but your preference will be not to do it;” as their interest is in something else… Is that your case? If so, let me share an insightful perspective from Abraham Hicks on this.

When we force ourselves to work in something that is not in harmony with ourselves, that splits our energy and makes us ineffective. Signs that you may be in this situation are often feeling tired, disempowered, low motivation, stressed, overwhelmed, burned out. I love the analogy that Hicks makes of this situation: “It is like deciding to vacuum the carpet without plugging the vacuum cleaner… you leave the marks on the carpet and do the job; however, it is not a job well done…” Meaning we are half present and not at our fullest capacity and talent to deliver the best results.

Then lies the importance of having the “right person for the right job.” This is something that should not be taken lightly. Matching our skills, capabilities and preferences to the job is critical to enable our high performance and business results. What would you do if you are offered a job that deep inside you know is not a good fit for you? I know this is a tough question… so let me give you the other side of the coin…

As everything in life, when we are aligned with what we do; we feel happy and energized. In that state things are easy, ideas flow, you are resourceful and enjoy the people you work with. You are challenged to resolve and create. There is a mutual appreciation for progress and growth. It is a state in which work doesn’t feel like work. In an ideal situation you may say: I am doing what I love and I am getting paid for it… This is not utopia, it is possible!

So going back to the question, if offered a job that doesn’t align with you… Would you sacrifice your overall well-being or will you wait for the one that meets your preference better?

I understand this may not be as easy, and sometimes may you have to compromise… In that case, pay attention to your mindset. What are the stories you tell yourself about this not ideal situation you are signing up for…? In my case, when I faced this situation, I focused on the positives and balanced it with other activities that helped me raise my emotional state. As you may expect, this can only be done on a temporary basis, as if it is prolonged you may become the “unplugged vacuum.”

Work is one of the many areas in our life. Make the most out of it! Don’t let it clutter or affect other aspects of your life like the relationship with your loved ones, taking care of yourself with your exercise, hobbies, etc.

It is possible to make work a propeller of the overall well-being of your life. Who are you becoming with the work experiences you are choosing for yourself?

#wellbeing #highperformance #emotions #results #alignment #purpose


Before You Sleep…


How do you introduce yourself?