My Heart is Full

Life is about the relationship with the “I” and the “We…” the two sides that provide a foundation and balance for us personally and professionally.

I have been on a journey of understanding and shaping my individuality, my “I”. My environment and living in the US have been a great environment for this. It has helped me to have focus and clarity on what is important and I would like to see in my life.

Family is a powerful force. I am blessed to be with them now and experience more of a “WE.” It is indescribable the feeling of being together. Even if we are not together often, there is a deep connection of love, solidarity, unconditional support and happiness. Aunts, uncles, cousins and their kids… a tribe which I belong to.

My mom and aunts established a connection for our family that goes beyond distance and time. Even if “We” are spread in different cities across Ecuador, Brazil and the US… when we get together it is like we have not been apart. A true “WE…” that one that fills the heart and soul… a fuel that makes all matter… the duality that builds us the “I” and the “WE…”

My family has provided me with a strong foundation and the best example. They showed me one more time that the quality of my relationships shape the quality of my life personally and professionally… This is the legacy that I bring to business and everything I do.

#leadership #family #together #legacy #relationships #foundation


Giving a way of living


Creating My Development Plan